Sunday 22 April 2012

Passion in the Now generation

Their is nothing more dreadful and boring than being in the company of lifeless people with no passion.

Passion is the difference maker. If you don't love what you do how do you sell your idea with integrity or inspire others to support you. If you show them you are truly passionate about what you do then they know you are giving your best effort and that may inspire them to give theirs.

Passion is a super charge or booster for other feelings and emotions. Passion is like fuel to a fire. Passion is an energy that works with all feelings and emotions. That is why you need to be aware of it, use it consciously and use it to your advantage.

I don't know how anyone would survive the challenges of this world without Passion. Be passionate about something, anything and do something about it.

Passion has been responsible for many of the world's wonderful creations. Many of the world's great artistic pieces were born from passion. Many of the world's great scientific and technological advancements were born from passion. I have no doubt that it is passion that ended the Aparthied and the Nazi regime.
I feel its necessary for me to share my passion for passion. im mentored in spirit by the greats, Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Martin Luther King Jnr, Steve Biko, Mahatma Ghandi Just to name a few. Like them i believe in the power of ideas and ideals.

 Steve Biko once wrote: "You are either alive and proud or you are dead, and when you are dead, you can't care anyway."

People go out there and do what you know feels right in your heart, follow your passion because that passion is your gift from God. When times are tough and friends are few, it is that passion that will get you out of bed. when days are dark and the journey seems endless, it is your passion that will see you through. it is not my intention to sound like a preacher but my point is that you have to do what you love, you do it because it's what you do well, you do it because it doesn't feel like work and you do it because it makes you happy. The great thing about doing what you love is that it also represents the love that you have for yourself.

 Written by Marcia Maling in the company Lundi Njomane and Natash Masike


  1. Well written and ever so true. Passion represents the truth and integrity that's exists within our actions, it gives meaning and puts our personal signature in what we do. Always be true to who you are and keep that passion alive for within passion there is always love. Once again, well written and thanks you for inspiring passion. Dream with passion, live with passion and lead with passion.

  2. "Dream with passion, live with passion, lead with passion". Those words some up the entire piece. Thank you Idnul

  3. Be passionate enough to stand on your own and believe on what ever your passion lies and lead you. True that Marsh and tank you again may the good Lord bless you on what ever you wish to accomplish.

  4. Well said and what your saying it's a fact and I think it has touch myself because I do something that comes from my heart and I feel happy and fulfilled.Passion all the way and IF people can do something that they trully love from the bottom of their heart, life will be fascinative and amazing. Passion it's so powerfull that even if you encouter challengs you still over come them,so i can say ''passion'' is a tool that helps you rich your destiny

  5. Great inspiration, I always say to peers I am motivated by positive and negative comments and hey would ask me why negative ideas. I stand to be corected I life was never easy for a person like me, I was aesily dicouraged by my fellow human beings. One day when I woke up I said to myself no one will ever do that again or rather take those negative impacts and make them positive ones and up to date those who strive to bring me down has to think four times before the would attempt because being discouraged is one of my strongest points to success. Thumbs up Marsh and keep it up!
